DeBeers Diamonds Are Worth A BlowJob

In the category of ads that would sell a shitload of product if they were only allowed to run, come these two creations from the DeBeers spoof room floor. The first coverts that overly complicated two month's salary thing into monetary language any guy can grasp. The second reaches out to that target segment of men who just can't seem to satisfiy themselves in the '"right" hole. Found on, Lukeford, a site you'd best not visit while in the office.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-04    

Xbox Launch Plan Used Fake Blog, Gets Hosed By Inquiring Minds

A new game called Halo for Xbox tried to create a fake site and weblog which would have ultimately been used to promote the game upon launch had it not been found out by one Michael O'Connor Clarke. The weblog was chronicling the apparent technical difficulties the fake and amateur looking was having. Rick Bruner points out several other attempts by marketers to dishonestly use weblogs all in the name of trying to achieve below the radar marketing coolness. Most fail or get found out. Why not be honest in the first place.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-04    

AOL Debuts WB Show Online, Broadcast to Die

OK, we couldn't resist the "Broadcast to die" part even if it isn't true but we think it's pretty cool that the WB (yea, we're not talking big three here yet) is launching its new television series, "Jack & Bobby" exclusively online on America Online. The show will probobly suck and we'll have to run out to the eye doctor after squinting at the little window on our screen but hey, we'll give it a go.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-04    

Online Ad Sales to Surpass Magazine Ad Sales by 2008

Big news to be released tomorrow from Jupiter Research. The research firm predicts that, by 2008, more ad dollars will be spent online than in magazines. Print sales reps run for cover! Well, maybe not so fast. As MediaPost's Riff surmises, the growth won't displace magazines completely but rather eliminate portions of other print media that still try to do what the Internet does far better - deliver info in a timely, interactive manner. Print can't do that but it can present less timely material more beautifully than the web, at least at this point, can.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-04    

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UK Church Promotes Self With Intel Logo

With the tagline, "Upgrade to the highest power," a church in England has launched a poster campaign that does nothing less than steals the Intel Inside logo. Intel is not staying inside on this one and has let its lawyers out.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-04    

Red Bar Radio to Re-Launch With Ashlee Simpson, Dashboard Confessional

On September 1st, 2004, Chicago-based RED BAR RADIO will be returning to the internet air waves. The re-launch show is expected to reach 200,000 people. RED BAR RADIO is a one-hour, daily talk show covering topics on current events, entertainment, politics, pop-culture, and life. Special guests for the re-launch will include Ashlee Simpson, Dashboard Confessional, The Alkaline Trio, and from NBC's The Restaurant, Rocco Dispirito. Along with the re-launch is a new, still under development, website which can be viewed here.

by Steve Hall    Jul-27-04