Struggling Agency Looks For Buyer on eBay


Mad Injection, a division of New York agency Mad Dogs & Englishmen, facing closure at the end of May, placed an ad on eBay welcoming bids to buy the shop. With an ad that reads, in part, "This entire agency can be yours. Just incorporate their brand within your's, give the principals a reasonable employment contract, take good care of them ...and the creative benefits you receive are sure to be endlessly exhilarating," the agency is looking to get $10 million but will take closer to $1 million. For all those interested, bidding closes May 28.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (7)     File: Agencies     May-23-05  
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not to be an ass, but do you guys read these things before you post them?

Posted by: nick on May 23, 2005 09:59 PM

yes, why?

Posted by: Steve Hall on May 23, 2005 10:32 PM

>facing closure at the end of May, placed an ad on eBay welcoming bids to by the shop.

Should be "buy the shop." There are other such typos.

Posted by: James Williams on May 24, 2005 01:48 PM

I can understand how creatives are supposed to be creative, but there are so many typos and grammatical mistakes on this site, on a consistent basis, that it's disorienting to read. it looks so sloppy it often interferes with the message. So... either they read them and they're all illiterate goobs, or they just don't give a shit. either way, hire an editor or barter for adspace with someone who will act as one,

becasue your loosing credability wtih every aditionel misteak.

Posted by: /name/ on May 24, 2005 02:49 PM

I'm not mean enough to say it but name is right.

Posted by: poly on May 24, 2005 03:59 PM

Typos......Typos.....and grammatical mistakes. It's ok Steve. When E=MC2 was many English teachers disregarded the equation because the "E" should have been in lower case in the early 1900’s. It's unfortunate that you have lost "syntax street cred".......

When an I is left undotted…..for someone to completely challenge and call into question all your websites credibilty and passion to inform…..why do they return to an amazingly informative ad discussion site where there will be a great chance of lazy misspellings. Because they love to see how many mistakes you've made this time.

Ps………The word “it” needs to be capitalized at the beginning of the second sentence. In the third sentence…you must clearly define the pronoun “them”. After research, the council has decided that GOOB is a completely fabricated word. You will now be banned from entering all literary contests. A space is needed, ironically, on the word “adspace”…which has never been recognized as a real word.

Posted by: kab on May 27, 2005 12:49 AM

Name....I kid because I love.........the idea I wanted to say was that if you think the media paradigms are changing fast...tivo,ipod,etc. etc....just wait till the MASSIVE paradigm shifts that the so called "Agencies" are going to experience.

At some point very soon....the masses will have total control over all advertising mediums. ALL creative will now become completely irrelevant, worthless, common, pieces of human creation on a canvas that will never have any reason to leave your studio.

If a tree falls in the forest....does it make a sound? When you develop the most amazing creative ever produced, for any medium, and realize that from now on your creative will always be nailed to that falling makes a sound alright......think of all the trees that will be sacrificed to make pink slips.

Posted by: kab on May 28, 2005 03:39 AM

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