CBS's NFL Today Promoted With Pixel People


To promote the new season of CBS Sports' The NFL Today show, Concrete Pictures has created "The Pixel People," a campaign which features a bunch of animated characters in supposedly funny, off-the-wall skits. "The Pixel People" consist of "The Blimp Dudes," voiced by Two and a Half Men's Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer, "Footballhead Guy," "The Hippie Chick," "The Yuppie Lady," "The Cheerleader" and "The Football Family." The campaign will air throughout August and September with :10's, :20's and :30's. Spots can be viewed here.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (4)     File: Campaigns, Celebrity, Television     Aug-18-05  
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reality is so depressing

Posted by: anon on August 18, 2005 04:16 PM

"reality is so depressing..." what does that even mean in this context? call my crazy, but I like these spots...not bust a gut funny, but its pretty eye catching sandwhiched inbetween cialis commercials.

Posted by: anon2 on August 22, 2005 10:31 AM

I like cartoons and football, and posting things.

Posted by: jason Fetz on August 22, 2005 10:40 AM

So let me get this straight. Schlocky graphics. C-list celeb voices. Supporting the pre-game show for perhaps the most lucrative programming on the suck-ass network. Fumble...

Posted by: Z-Man on August 23, 2005 07:11 PM

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