Yes! It's Another Movie Trailer-Style Ad!


We think we like this. The girl's hot. The guy's hot. The ad sounds good follows the movie trailer format! All to promote the new Sony Bravia TV. It's just weird enough to be good. It was created by McKinney. Watch it (slow site) and tell us what you think.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (14)     File: Commercials, Strange, Television     Mar- 7-06  
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Seems uninspired.

Posted by: Eli on March 7, 2006 11:13 PM

Uhhhh, wait a second. The url you list says "Keith Greenstein" and when I look at adcritic, it says "Keith Greenstein" did the ad. Steve, you aren't peddling something sent to you by an agency are you? I mean, you're linking to this guys private website, for pete sake. I can't decide which is more lame...the fact that you wrote about it, or the fact that the guy sent this to you? Oh, yeah. The spot sucks.

Posted by: Ticklemesilly on March 7, 2006 11:25 PM

Ticklemesilly, are you nuts? Where do you think half the content on Adrants comes from? Do you think I pluck these spots out of thin aie? They miraculously appear in my Inbox? No. Have you heard of this thing called public relations? It's this practice where people send you stuff because they want you to write about it. It's a really big industry. You should check it out.

As for the spot being on a so called private website, that's because the spot originally sent to me would not upload to the place I wanted to put it so you could all see it and leave lame comments like this about it. Keith was kind enough to upload it to his own site.

For fuck's sake, like the spot or hate it but your line of thinking here makes absolutely no sense.

Posted by: Steve Hall on March 8, 2006 09:20 AM

Me thinks Ticklemesilly has a SmellylikeSatan. I hope Ticklemesilly has the balls to post the same comments with paid site...where they list it as the #4 spot...does your membershit include 'posting forums'?

Obviously a Stupidlysilly person if they pay for AdCritic. Oh yeah. Your posting sucks.

Nice to see a spot with the soft sell, nice hook with the movie trailer drama, camera angles and quick cuts. Pretty funny.

Thanks again Steve. To all the haters...venture elsewhere on the web. Stop wasting space and time on sites you don't like and that DON'T LIKE YOU!

Posted by: Tmoney on March 8, 2006 11:38 AM

im inclined to agree that the spot sucks but the fact that it got me here to read Steve's skillful reply = entertainment. thank you Sony.


Posted by: Dario Meli on March 8, 2006 01:55 PM

the amateurish cheap look is in this season, and this "trailer" is on the bandwagon. I think i like it too. I miss the old days when we KNEW if we liked something.

Posted by: AdJuice on March 8, 2006 03:36 PM

I think everything Keith Greenstein does is pure genius.

Posted by: Keith Greenstein on March 8, 2006 05:34 PM

Hey Guys, take it easy on Ticklemesilly. He's just found out how the world works. Just kidding....please...continue

Posted by: Mo P on March 8, 2006 06:52 PM

I donīt like the spot. Just another: "Hey I have an idea! Letīs do a commercial that looks like a movie trailer."
At least it should have had some kind of a story.
The first TV for men and women is kind of funny though.
But I like the Bouncy Balls better.

Posted by: Tim on March 9, 2006 03:23 AM

Hi there,
This spot is just a movie. Like it or not. The bouncing ball one is an ad. A real concept, benefit, nice production and good music. An ad. And a good one too.
So what's the point of this one?
Okay, I like is as a show, not as an ad.

Posted by: Suzie on March 9, 2006 12:43 PM

Hi there,
This spot is just a movie. Like it or not. The bouncing ball one is an ad. A real concept, benefit, nice production and good music. An ad. And a good one too.
So what's the point of this one?
Okay, I like is as a show, not as an ad.

Posted by: Suzie on March 9, 2006 12:44 PM

Hi there,
This spot is just a movie. Like it or not. The bouncing ball one is an ad. A real concept, benefit, nice production and good music. An ad. And a good one too.
So what's the point of this one?
Okay, I like is as a show, not as an ad.

Posted by: Suzie on March 9, 2006 12:45 PM

Keith's my cousin, and it was yesterday that he showed me the ad. I thought it was really cool, and apparently, so did my dad. Keith really is a genius, and the human race is lucky to have him around. If anybody thinks otherwise, tell me something not as good as any of his material. I dare ya!

Posted by: Liam Jones on July 3, 2006 05:55 PM

I can't believe that no one has mentioned or noticed the insane and unrealistic gender roles going on in this ad. "A television for men and women": talk about the stupidest and most prepostorous ad campaign. It's a tv! The womens' fifties housewife attire and the mens' roles as heroes are pandering to the lowest common denominator. The production values and stereotypes definitely didn't inspire me to want to purchase a Bravia.

Posted by: Keira on December 12, 2006 12:11 PM

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