Houlihans Invites You to Play 'I Never' Drinking Game


It's a fair statement for us to say, for the most part, we've never found an online game we've really liked. In an odd and twisty bit of word play for us, a game called I Never has become an online game we really do like. Created by Kansas City-based Sullivan Higdon & Sink for Houlihan Restaurants, I Never is a drinking game (well, a virtual one in this case) where one person asks another ten questions and it spirals from there.

SHS's John January explains, saying, "Players can invite their friends to play I Never and can choose from questions we wrote or questions they make up themselves. Following on the heels of this email will be an invitation to play the game. Each time one of us chooses to submit answers the rest of us will be notified. You can wait for a couple of people to answer or you can watch as each person answers. Whatever floats your boat. The stories are optional but they make the game better."

For a game to keep our attention until the end is a feat unto itself. This game did. It may not for you but we liked it a lot because, well, anytime we can stand at a bar and talk about the combination of Goldfish Cracker commercials and Strumpette, we're happy. Yes, we're very very weird but you are too. After all, you work in this industry as well.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Games, Good, Online   

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