Brightcove and Pitch OMMA Video Audience, Wins


If you're considering video as an advertising platform for your brand or your client's brand, here are two videos from coBRANDiT which captured presentations given by Blip.TV CEO Mike Hudack and Brightvove VP Adam Berry at the most recent OMMA Video Conference in New York. Each pitched their platforms to the audience and coBRANDiT's Owen Mack tells us an informal poll of the audience gave least ad-like Blip.TV the highest marks. Hmm.

Owen also commented that, much like everything else in advertising, most presentations had ubiquitous elements of T&A to spice them up. And who said sex doesn't sell? Most studies actually but why heed their results? Conference presentations are already boring enough. They can use all the help they can get.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 3-07   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events, Video   

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