There Will Always Be Ass in Commercials


Wait for it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Oh, there it is! This two minute video for Vizelia, a software company that prides itself on helping save energy, takes :90 seconds longer than it needs to deliver its punchline and make it's point; that money saved by using Vizelia can be allocated to less mundane aspects of office life.

While the future of advertising may look bleak and frustrating to some given the economy and the ever changing media landscape, one thing can be guaranteed. There will always be ass in commercials.

by Steve Hall    Sep-30-08   Click to Comment   
Topic: Racy, Video   

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Ho fucking Ho... You can't beat classy advertising. Reminds me of the "Miller Cat Fight" Ogilvy did a few years ago for the world's second worst beer (Bud Light holds the crown) David must be spinnng in his fucking grave.
Who did this current offering?

Posted by: george parker on October 1, 2008 9:47 AM

The commercial was done by a new-media company called The Box - they've done some sweet work for Nike & Coke..

Posted by: Kafi on March 22, 2009 5:08 AM