Van-Tastic Seeks Freeloaders for Ultimate Aussie Roadtrip


"We're looking for seven pairs of travellers, one for each of Australia's stunning states, to become Van-Tastic Adventurers."

Winning pairs will be flown from anywhere in the world to Australia, where they'll be given a "karmic campervan" that looks a lot like the Plaid Nation tourbus, actually. They'll also get to digicams and laptops for six weeks, $1000 worth of gas, free access to the area's top attractions and a list of places to go.

But that's not all! The best travel documentary produced by one of the seven couples gets $10,000 and two Virgin Blue domestic flights.

See promotional vid.

Doesn't sound like a horrible gig, though we can't imagine ourselves saying, "I'm a Van-Tastic Adventurer!" with a straight face or sober.

Aaaaanywho, the effort is backed by a bunch of Australian tourism and travel firms. That's the kind of enterprising unity tourism departments in the States could use. Heaven knows we have too many road trip pipe dreamers and not enough good tourism campaigns.

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