Lovers Torn Apart To Promote Band


If you're a sucker for heartstring-pulling yearnings of love, you just might like this vide from the band One Eskimo in which Little Feather and One eskimO lead a pleasant life in an igloo...until the evil Mr. Top Hat breaks the igloo in two separating the two lovers from one another and takes Little Feather.

One eskimO sets out on a journey with his friends to find his love as we listen to the band play quest-worthy music.

By visiting Little Feather fans can join One eskimO and his friends on a quest to track down his lost love. Users are confronted with a series of challenges and games set by Mr. Top Hat, which they have to overcome if they ever want One eskmiO to see Little Feather again. Each game corresponds to major plot points from the animations themselves and employs the same unique look and feel.

Go ahead. Feel the love on a Wednesday morning.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 5-09   Click to Comment   
Topic: Video   

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