One Show to Ban Scammers.

A happy ending to an ad nauseam kinda week? Ad Age reported that the One Club has decided to ban any agency that submits scam art from its One Show competition for five years. In doing so, the intent is to get other major competitions to follow suit. Regardless of comments that say this is too little, too late, hmmm, compared to what? Nothing's been done to this point, so they deserve credit for being the first to do address the problem.

Is it the same thing as enforcing existing rules only with harsher penalties the way pro sports do when it comes to steroids? Maybe. But change comes with small moves, right? Whether this was in response to several blogger's and commenters' calls for such a ban is not known, but it's a nice start in the right direction.

by Bill Green    Sep- 4-09   Comments ()   
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Creative Commentary
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