At Affiliate Summit Frank Luntz Profiles Humans


At the ASE10 keynote Frank Luntz offered up a simplistic demographic profile of the human race. Among other stats:

- Men want more money
- Women want more time
- Hispanics and Latinos value home ownership highest
- Best not most important. Constant improvement is.
- Accountability most important brand attribute followed by integrity amd respect.
- More people believe there are UFOs than social security's ability to sustain itself.

Luntz also discussed the importance of visuals in advertising and the psychology behind them. For example hotels should never show people in a hotel room because everyone wants to believe they are the first and only person to use the room. No one wants to know they aren't the first person to use the toilet.

Luntz discussed the 21 words for the 21st century. For example Peace of mind versus security. Cleaner, safer, healthier versus sustainable.

For brands the rhetorical question is more important than making a statement. But an independent endorsement is the best. Even if it comes from an individual.

Everyone thinks they are fucked. They think everyone is out to get them. The best thing a brand can say to this is "I get it. We understand your pain." Hence the incessant use of the phrase, "In times like these...we understand..."

People want customization and personalization. A humanized approach to desires. So that things are uniquely ours. That's the definition of choice.

Brand mission statements should be all about what the company can do for the person. Not how great the company is at what it does.

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events   
