Jack in the Box Thanks Fans With Cold, Hard Cash


This week, Jack in the Box restaurants, with help from Secret Weapon Marketing, unveiled a new campaign aimed at maintaining and building mutual adoration between Jack and his fans. Well, that's a polite way of saying Jack is buying his way into people's social media hearts. The campaign, Be a Rich Fan, will thank fans by making a donation to a charity; you.

For every person who 'likes' Jack on Facebook, he'll make a nickel donation into a money jar, displayed and updated in real time on his fan page. At the conclusion of the month-long campaign, Jack will reward one lucky fan with the total amount in the jar. The grand prize will be determined by how loyal Jack's supporters really are and the number of people they help turn into new Jack fans. Since the more users who sign up means more money in the jar, Be a Rich Fan encourages word of mouth to friends and family, though everyone will likely want to win the big prize for themselves.

by Steve Hall    Oct- 6-10   Click to Comment   
Topic: Social   
