Someone Wants Us to Watch Them Unzip


In this mysterious video, Unzip, some hot chick appears to be trying to escape from a cage made out of fabric. With pulsating sound effects and a whispered "unzip," we are teased to return on November 8 to see just who, exactly, is being unzipped. Do we care? Do you? Does anybody? Unlikely except for the marketer that sent this to us.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-27-11    
Topic: Strange

Unthink Will Not Unseat Facebook


This, by far, is the most laughable attempt yet to unseat Facebook from its throne atop the Social Media Empire. If Google + can't do it, who the hell else would even bother? Thankfully a few do providing us with plenty of chuckle worthy hilarity. The latest attempt to sway people away from Facebook comes from Unthink, a new social network that's well, not a social network at all. Or so it claims.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-27-11    
Topic: Opinion, Social

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