Poignant Car Crash Story Touts Ronald McDonald House


DDB Chicago and Thornberg & Forester created a touching video for the Ronald McDonald House that tells the story of a mother (Erin Maley), a tragic car accident and how the Ronald McDonald House came to her assistance.

The work is part of a campaign that aims to raise $1 million for the charity by December 31.

Of the work, Thronberg & Forester Co-Founder Scott Matz said, "Our friends at DDB Chicago conceived a very thoughtful campaign to elegantly connect images and textures that manifest in sync with the audio story. The ribbon ultimately wraps a special gift, initiating a call-to-action to support Ronald McDonald House Charities by inviting donations... and to get there, we follow Erin Maley's powerful testimonial."

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by Steve Hall    Nov-29-12    
Topic: Cause

Microsoft Says Internet Explorer Sucks Less


In a hilariously humble, satirically silly new commercial from Microsoft, the brand acknowledges the dislike people have had for its Explorer browser over the years. Exemplified by an Explorer-hating geek, the browser takes its lumps but also puts the nerd in his place. After being assaulted with increasing glowing comments regarding the browser, including a (faux) new Karaoke standard, our geek relents, typing, "IE Sucks...Less."

The ad steers viewers to Browsers You Loved to Hate and touts the new Internet Explorer 10.

Refreshing honesty from a brand and product that has weathered to some serious storms of discontent over the years.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-29-12    
Topic: Video

Brits Offered Free Italian Kisses to Visit Bologna


Perhaps riffing off the Free Hugs stunt of yore, Italian agency Nimai Digital put together a guerrilla campaign for Bologna, Italy in which a street team offered free Italian kisses to those roaming the streets of London. It was all to call attention to the friendly people of Bologna and to promote an all-expenses paid trip.

Street teams directed Brits to a Facebook page where after liking the page (of course) they could enter their contact info along with several of their social media profiles to be entered to win the trip.

Hey if two Italian girls kissing Brits can up tourism numbers to Bolonga, also known as the capital of machine-formed meat scraps, then we're calling this campaign a success.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-29-12    
Topic: Guerilla, Social

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