Is That Fake HUVr Board Video A Promo For 'Back to the Future IV'?


By now, many of you have seen a video called Belief which asks us to believe that hoverboard technology has been invented. The video begins with Christopher Lloyd (who played Dr. Emmett Brown in the series) arriving in a Delorean.

The video, which promises what we are about to see is real, features Terrell Owens, Moby, Tony Hawk, Schoolboy Q and Bethany Cosentino, gleefully hypes the the technology "invented" by a company called HUVrTech.

Clearly, it's fake. That's not in question. There are plenty of clues throughout the video allowing any sane person to come to that conclusion.

But what is it promoting? There's been talk of a fourth Back to the Future movie for years. Could it finally be happening and could this be a viral stunt for the movie? Perhaps.

Nick Statt, who wrote a lengthy article on the video, said,Whatever the purpose of this, Internet debunkers were quick to suss out the source of the video's production. On the online portfolio site of Lauren Biedenharn -- a costume designer and an artist based in Los Angeles where, as well as being the home of Hawk, Schoolboy Q, and Consentino, the video was shot -- the most recent line of her resume reads, 'Commercial: Back to the Future HUVR BOARDS.' Her employer and the producer of said commercial: comedy video Web site Funny Or Die."

That resume reference seems to have been deleted which is an even more telling sign something's going on.

With upwards of 4.3 million views, the video, whatever it's for, seems to have accomplished its goals, whatever they may be.

UPDATE: As the resume hinted, it's the work of Funny or Die. But no connection to a Back to the Future movie.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-14   Click to Comment   
Topic: Viral   
