Carnivore Club Offers F*uck Up Insurance to Promote Its Meat-of-the-Month Club


In one of the most hilarious and beyond-awesome promotions we have seen in a very long time, Toronto-based agency Bensimon Byrne has crafted a hilarious bit for its client, Carnivore Club, a meat-of-the-month club that sells all kinds of salami and other meaty delicacies.

The agency created a video that clearly illustrates how one can insure they get out of truly fucked up situations if only they get coverage from Fucked Up Insurance. Of course, Fucked Up Insurance is actually a subscription to Carnivore Club but from what we see in the video, it's exactly what will get one out of a very fucked up situation.

Did we write fuck enough?

And yes, the campaign actually registered and is using the domain (which redirects to as its promotional landing page.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-22-15    
Topic: Strange

Once Again, Carl's Jr, Unleashes Massive Bouncing Breasts to Sell Hamburgers


Well, there's really isn't anything we can say that we haven't said a hundred times before about Carl's Jr. and, well, every other brand that has employed the heaving, pulchritudinous mass otherwise known as the female breast.

And what, really, is there to say? Sex sells? Big bouncing breasts attract attention? Over-the-top sexual innuendo and the Super Bowl go hand in hand like a pair of juicy melons at a farmer's market?

No. It's all been said before. So just watch. And enjoy. Or feel free to bitch about the objectification of women to sell shit. Oh wait. That's been done a million times over too.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-22-15    
Topic: Super Bowl 2015

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