5 Reasons why it's Harder for Small Businesses in Austin to Improve Rankings and How SEO Can Help


Austin was once ranked #4 in the country among the top cities to launch a business. Over the years, it has consistently ranked near the top of the American City Business Journal's Small Business Vitality index on account of its booming tech industry.

No city has added million-dollar businesses faster than Austin! The capital of Texas provides a fertile atmosphere for business prosperity and overall economic growth. However, this also means that Austin boasts a highly competitive digital landscape where achieving sustained growth is infinitely more difficult, especially for small businesses.

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-20    
Topic: Online

What is SEO? | Top 5 SEO Trends You Need to Know in 2020


What is SEO?

SEO means search engine optimization. This is an art that ranks high in the search engine of an unpaid area, also known as regular lists.

Search engine optimization (SEO) optimizes your web content so that the search engine displays the best results when searching for that particular keyword.

When it comes to SEO, there is you, the search engine, and the user. When you have an article about how to make vegan lasagna, you want the search engine (90% of the time, Google) to show it as the best result for anyone who searches for the term "vegan lasagna"

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-20    
Topic: Tools

Fed Up With Your Job? Here's 4 Online Business Ideas to Kickstart Your Career


Waking up at 7 am and getting ready for the 9-6 rat race, pissing your mind, working your ass off, and not getting what you deserve, living a dull and Hectic life, following the baseless and useless rules and bounding yourself for no reason sucks while doing the job!

Isn't this what you dreamt, right?

It's more like Brock Lesnar Slogan ( a little bit twisted )


Want to you get over it? But how?

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by Steve Hall    Sep- 8-20    
Topic: Online

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