Razor Magazine Publisher Loves Adrants

Everyone needs to wallow in self gratification once in a while and I'm about due for some self promotional flatulation. Today, I received an email from Richard Botto, publisher and CEO of Razor Magazine and one of People Magazine's 25 Most Eligible Bachelors, letting me know he's a reader and fan of Adrants. If you've been sleeping under a rock in the media world, Richard is the guy who came out of the e-commerce world to start Razor, an independent men's magazine that fills to void between literary/fashion mags like Esquire and GQ and the beer and boobs magazine such as Maxim, FHM, and Stuff. It's a great magazine giving guys the visual stimulation they will always need yet not pandering to the lowest editorial common denominator.
Richard said in his email, "Just wanted to drop you a note to say that I really enjoy your site/blog. Terrific combination of dry humor and pertinent information. Makes for a great daily read." He went on to say, "I think it (Adrants) has attained a certain level of "hip-ness" that you may not have realized."
I, of course, emailed him back to thank him profusely telling him Adrants, was born out of unemployment and boredom whose purpose is to mock the advertising world while covering the kind of advertising news that Ad Age and AdWeek deem too sleazy or too racy. Is that hip? Maybe so. It's sure fun.
Thank you very much Richard. Adrants is now officially hip! But does that follow my "once your cool your not cool" rule? Is Adrants now not hip because someone said it is? I think I'll shelve that rule for a while and wallow in my ten seconds of fame.