Now that the world has seen Paris Hilton in her famously compromising position, we may now have the chance to see Christina Aguilera in an equally compromising position. Apprently, there's a Christina Aguilera Sex Tape. This, according to Ryan at Gorilla Mask. Ryan says, "GorillaMask inside sources are reporting there's allegedly a similar sex tape of my baby, Christina Aguilera, which may be released in the coming months or even weeks. And apparently I'm not in it. I'm horny and sad. Anyway, if this is for real, you can bet your ass I'll be one of the first to get my hands on that one as well."
OK, so rumors are a dime a dozen but if they come true, it's nice to have been the first person to say it. Or the second in my case.

Felix Dennis Walks in the Woods
In an interview with 60 Minutes II correspondent Bob Simon, Maxim Publisher Felix Dennis reveals he has no idea what he's worth, he gives much of his money to relatives and friends, says GQ is for men who like sox more than sex and he has plans to sell Dennis Publishing to build a 50,000 acre forest in England.
Do people with money start out this crazy or does the money make them crazy? I really would like to know what makes people like this tick. OK, so giving money to relatives and building a forest isn't completely insane but it is a little odd.
The FTC has called KFC's bluff and is responding to complaints that the chicken chain's latest batch of ads, which basically attempt to pass the food off as healthy, are deceptive. The ads claimed KFC fried chicken has less fat and fewer calories than Burger King's Whopper explaining to Americans, as if a bunch of unintelligent idiots, that fried chicken could be part of a healthy lifestyle. Smartly, KFC has pulled the ads claiming they did so "for brand protection reasons." What they really meant to say was, "Yes, these ads make us look really retarded and the Americn public stupid so we are pulling them."