Dodge Pulls Out of Lingerie, Inserts 'Circus Maximus'
So what does a big advertiser do after they pull out themselves out of a promo that might be too risqu� for their image? They insert themselves into another equally risqu� promotion. Dodge cancelled its Lingerie Bowl sponsorship but is keeping its Maxim magazine "Circus Maximus" promotion.
The circus-like event, held this weekend in Houston, will be sponsored by Dodge as well as by Sony, Coors and Allied Domecq and be attended by 1,500 private guests. The event will feature Dodge's new Magnum wagon pulling a circus cage full of hot chicks dressed as lions and tigers. How is this sponsorship less racy or less damaging to the brand then the Lingerie Bowl sponsorship? Oh, who cares. It'll be hot and who said marketing decision where logical?
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