Girls Gone Wild Brand Extends to Guys, Restaurants

Hands Off Guys!

It was only a matter of time before the politically correct powers of the very un-politically correct empire of Joseph Francis, the man behind Girls Gone Wild, caught up and yielded another division of the 31 year old entrepreneur's clothing-challenged business model. For years, Girls Gone Wild videos have been produced building a $110 million operation purely from girls flashing their boobs. Now, it's guys who are being asked to flash for a Guys Gone Wild video series.

Francis went out and hired the very hot looking Misty Nicole (really, it's not a stripper's name), a 24 year old Texas native to shine the camera on drunk guys more than willing to display their nude selves to Nicole. Of course, guys being guys in the presence of a hot chick, the job posed some occupational hazards for Misty. Nicole explains, "They were asking me out on dates, trying to get me involved and grab my camera. That was the most annoying part of the job. It's flattering, but after you go over it a million times it gets annoying." Now why can't the guys leave her alone like the Girls Gone Wild girls left their camera men alone? Oh yea, that thing called testosterone. Hmm, not so easy to control.

Apart from rampantly drunk nudity, Francis is broadening his empire to other segments licensing the "Gone Wild" brand to restaurants, clothing manufacturers, music and movies.

"Girls Gone Wild is an entertainment franchise," Francis said. "I want to put that name on everything I can." MGM has even purchased rights it might use to take the brand to a teen comedy or reality movie. If Francis can stay out of court enough, he just might make this work.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 2-04    

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