Molson Helps Guys Pick Up Women, Institute Spoils Fun

Trying to have a little fun with the age old act up picking up girls in a bar, Molson has launched an ad campaign that provides guys with tips and tools to better succeed with their quest to bed,, girls. The campaign, called "Friends," offers tools for guys to create fake business cards, cute wallet photos and stickers to up the chances the target, uh...woman, will respond accordingly. Predictably, there's a group that is horrified that guys would ever try to meet girls and in helping them to do so, Molson is committing a terrible crime. The Marin Institute, an anti-drinking, anti-fun establishment has launched a website where those who feel humans should have no sense of humor or fun anymore can complain. Thanks to Sanj.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     Jul-29-04  
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