Paris Hilton is marketing her own line of skanky, uh...glamorous Swarovski celebu-wear including earrings, anklets, bracelets, necklaces, belly chain and bellybutton piercings. The line will be sold exclusively on Amazon. We see she's using the much commented upon brand logo.
reality blurred points to a TV Guide article about an Emmy ad campaign for the reality series The Apprentice. In the campaign, the ad promises to provide Omarosa with reader's home addresses unless they vote for The Apprentice. Nice twist. Although, we do hear this year's crop of contestants will make Omarosa look like a lamb.
Reebok has launched a new, NFL-focused website with the tag, "The only brand in every NFL locker," that includes separate stores for each team, athlete profiles and NFL player pro-tips. The site and site music were created by Zugara.
The Log Cabin Republicans, the largest homosexual advocacy group, is irked that CNN will not air an ad because it contains two seconds worth of an image showing anti-homosexual Baptist minister Fred Phelps holding two signs that say "God Hates Fags" while protesting the murder of a gay college student.
CNN says the image is "just inappropriate" and will only air the ad if it is removed from the spot.
The Log Cabin Republicans will not alter the ad claiming, "that image is the whole point of the ad. There's no ad without it. It would be like televising the Super Bowl without showing the fourth quarter."
That hasn't changed CNN's mind. FOX, on the other hand, has been airing the ad locally and nationally this week. While any network is fully within their rights not to air any ad of their choosing, is this really that bad? It happened. The image is part of history and, whether you agree with it or not, it makes the groups point.
At a recent Blender party, Farrah Fawcett was seen being followed by cameras and it is said to be for an upcoming reality show. Via Gawker.
Latching on to the November election run up, TBS is co-opting the political process with a BlogAds campaign that promotes Sex And The City Star Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) as candidate for the Cosmopolitan Party. The ad takes you to a Vote Carrie site on which you can check the activities of the Cosmopolitan Party by reading Carrie's Campaign Blog, check out her stance on important issues, vote for her running mate and fill out a ten question survey to determine who you should vote for if you are decision-challenged.
Too bad Carrie's blog doesn't have links or comments as that might lend some actual interaction with the campaign but the whole effort is interesting enough and worth spending a few minutes visiting. Whether it will increase viewership for TBS is yet to be determined