Adrants Billboards: People Care About Politics
- At a recent Public Relations Society of America seminar, PR professional Steve Rubel and journalist Pamela Parker discuss the role of weblogs in public relations and marketing.
- New York Times' Nat Ives analyzes Howard Stern's recent announcement regarding his move to Sirius satellite radio in 2006.
- Kawasaki has decided to switch agencies from FCB Worldwide to O'Leary and Partners, Irvine, CA.
- In a surprising revelation that Americans even care about politics, 43.6 million tuned into the Cheney Edwards debate, the most watch VP debate since 1992. Of course there are 250 million Americans who chose not to but who's counting.
- Amy Coor's MediaPost Out to Launch column reviews recent campaign launches from Yahoo, Ambush Makeovewer, Captivate Network, Corbis and Clairol.
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