Golf Club Maker Spoofs Erectile Dysfunction Ads
Adland points to a website called TracjectileDysfunction containing a hilarious spoof of those ridiculous drug company commercials from Viagra and Levitra. Promising "longer, stronger drives that go all day" and using every possible double entendre, the spot, for Cleveland Golf, works. It's funny and, at the same time, explains product benefit.
You know i had 5 months with out sex why this ED f***** problem you know she try with new sexy pantys and all that things but Nothing, so to hell, brougth a drug call levitra and bye ED you know my wife think that i am a bull again jeje also looking for a pretty girl to
yes there are side effect but nothing to worry
now that everyone in this forum need somenthing for ED well look inside this site where i buy all this things also you can look all the side effects good luck to anyone
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