Big Breasts And Suckling Babies Promote Food Bank
Capitalizing on Mothers Day and aligning world hunger with babies suckling big breasts, a video, called ForMothersDay, with uniquely relevant lyrics and visuals, reminds us 10 million mothers will go hungry in America on Mother's Day and one out of four kids will go to bed hungry. The video leads to the America's Second Harvest - The Nation's Food Bank Network fund raising website which calls attention to National Hunger Awareness Day June 7.
UPDATE: As many have pointed out, this could very likely be a brand highjack.
Oh to be young again.....
Way to go Steve. We can always count on you as
a big booster for boobs babes and charity!
I'll pledge a two gallons of milk.
McThingy was right: All women are strippers.
I highly doubt Second Harvest has anything to do with this so-called "viral" ad. It's tasteless and totally wrong for their brand.
David, good point. I was so mezmerized by the video, I wasn't thinking straight:-)
Who directed this thing? Russ Meyer?
Uh, what brand? Since when is "viral" tasteful?
This thing has got the right denominators 2.
Second Harvest has a brand? What's tasteless? Women are breast feeding. Is it as tastless as the Carmen Electra date contest? Are so-called "viral" ads tasteful? Will Second Harvest be embarrased
to get a few thousand extra hits? Oh the shame, the shame,
bare breasts feeding babies. Wouldn't want to raise any awareness
to Hunger in America tastelessly.
I'm not put off by breasts. I'm put off by the hijacking of an innocent company's brand.
And yes, Second Harvest has a brand. If it was my job to caretake this brand, I'd be furious over this disrespectful, and quite possibly illegal, manipulation of events. Where's the "for entertainment and self-promotion purposes only" disclaimer?
Thanks, Steve for using your space to show these PSA's.
If I were "caretaker" of that brand I would be "furious"
at the lack of attention the "brand" was getting,
and as "brand custodian",
I'd run to grab a mop and pail to clean up the dud of a website
my brand had too.
I'd be "furious" that the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
on May 14th is not on the top of anyone's mind and that National Hunger Awareness Day on June 7th, is void of awareness thus far too.
If they did make the "viral" ad, good for them trying to shake the trees. Obviously, Second Harvest has a lot more to do than just advertising. But they have to take - as all non profits must-
extrodinary measures to bring broad awareness to their causes. And move people to action. They should no longer rely on millionaires' and billionaires' gala -are't we fabulous- events for their bread and butter.
Won't you agree Public Service Announcements in general,
are a bad joke? They run when no one sees them them,
or on ad blogs or just at the too many advertising Awards Shows for which, sadly, many of them are designed to win, out of vanity and a quest for more pay. It's a rotten lousy sham.
And no matter what "market-speak" brandism you throw at it it still stinks to high heaven.
And to say say that women breastfeeding is tasteless and disrespectful in the face on the garbage being made and featured on this blog eveyday (stah-ring Paris Hilton and Carmen Electra, et al) as viable and respectful in the name of "brand stewardship". yuk.
KRank, you make the assumption that this so-called viral P.S.A. is intended to benefit the hijacked brand.
I don't.
And it doesn't.
Yes it was and it does:
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