KFC Talks With Mouth Full, Human Race Loses Sense of Humor

Ignoring the "don't talk with your mouth full" childhood rule, KFC is running a commercial to promote its Zinger Chicken Salads in the UK showing call center workers singing with their mouths full. Although meant as humor, the ad has garnered 1,040 complaints from people claiming the ad would cause - hold your breath - bad manners. It's the second highest number of complaints ever received for and ad. And, this, just for talking with a full mouth. Clearly, this is a sign the human race has officially lost its sense of humor
I think the term is "don't talk with your mouth full" as chewing is usually done when the mouth is full.
Ooops...right...fixed. Attack of dislexia this morning, I guess.
But not in this post's title....
And we thought post-wardrobe-malfunction Americans were uptight!
I don't think that ad would cause to bad manner, but I don't find it funny either. And I laugh of alot of things. I suppose it's just that I generally don't like people talking with food in their mouth.
Which commercial received the most complaints ever?
This one.
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