Penthouse Cleans Up, Eliminates Dial-A-Slut Ads
Giving itself a nip and tuck, Penthouse, with its July issue, has decided to eliminate the cheesy, back of the book sex ads. Explaining the move, Penthouse Media Group CEO Marc Bell told the New York Post, "Traditional advertisers just didn't want to advertise with that in the back of the book. " Yes, Marc. Good call. It is a bit difficult to concentrate on, oh, say, a car ad when distracted by all those hot dial-a-slut ads. Editorially, the magazine is going all laddie book, adding sports, music and gadget columnists. Oh, for those pre-landing strip, saline-free, mag between the mattress and the box spring days of old.
Did Penthouse ever have "Reader's Wives?" Or was that the more downmarket mags? Wank-mags seem so retro, what with all the free stuff online. I think adrants could do a good "Reader's Wives/Husbands" section. Think about smut as a possible brand extension.
Print wank-mags will never die. For some reason it's nice to do self-mutilation somewhere other than a screen. I may be outdated...if I am....girls....make sure you wipe off the mouse EVERYTIME you use it. Hopefully the master debate will be a less sticky argument considering all the jerks that come forward to rub Adrants members the right way until they explode.
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