Carlton Draught Follows Big Ad With Brewing Spoof

Ever the witty marketer, Carlton Draught, following the debut of its brilliant Big Ad, has launched another inward-looking commercial. This one pokes fun at brewers' fixation with their brewing ingredients, brewing methods and, in the case of Budweiser, its reliance on the Clydesdales.
UPDATE: In Comments, "Bill Gates" dishes on us for occasionally crapping on Ad Age by pointing out we are in error and that this ad was out well before the Big Ad. Remorsefully, we will crap all over our staff for this inexcusable transgression and force them all to bow to the feet of the Ad Age Gods.
For all the shit you dish out to AdAge for being slow to pick up ads, this thing's been out since before Big Ad.
Way to be on the ball.
I reckon this ad is at least 18 months old. Mate - if you need an Aussie fact checker, let me know.