McDonald's Promotes Sandwich With Positive Thinking

Using the stereotypical motivational speaker, McDonald's, with this viral, is encouraging people to improve lunchtime blandness by helping them shatter boring lunchtime thoughts and replacing them with, of course, thoughts of McDonald's Toasted Deli Sandwiches.
Wait, didn't Burger King already do something similarly with that tedious Dr. Angus campaign?
Yep. The EXACT same thing .. but better. This sucks. Not that Dr. Angus was great, but this thing calls sucking up from the minors and makes it the starting pitcher.
Eric, you get a gold star for the most original use of sucking I've seen in a long time. Kudos to you, good sir, kudos.
And the damn thing is streaming from a lame ass player that hardly works.
They rip off Crispy and call it Power Thinking.
Think what kinda shit they could've rip'd off if they used
Power Thinking.
Think Different. except when it comes to ads, then Think Small.
Eric Wins!!!
This ad sucks! Can't say it any simpler. From the mind numbingly played out beach setting, to the poor use of visual cues, topped off by the mismatching of the speaker's era with that of the targeted demographic sandwich eater. This ad sucks!
Yeah, but eric rules.
I'm waiting for the Bogusky Burger...
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