McDonald's To Save McRib With Boneless Pigs


In a last ditch effort to convince people boneless pig meat is a good thing, McDonald's has launched the MicRib Farewell Tour. Apparently, the McRib was popular at one time but the company is considering dropping the product unless people respond to the promotion which consists of a microsite where fans can find out where and when McDonald's is serving McRib, get McRib trivia, write McRib Haikus, submit their own McRib photos, download official McRib t-shirt decals and send phone messages to fellow McRib fanatics. They can also sign the "Save the McRib" petition and explore the BPFAA (the Boneless Pig Farmers Association of America) website,, a fictitious organization that promotes the good will of boneless pigs. Hmm. OK. Why spend all this money if the product is just going to be dumped? Oh wait, silly me, they're not dumping the product, they're renewing demand by making us feel sorry for a bunch of boneless pigs. That's it.

The Wilford Brimley-like videos are pretty funny though.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 2-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Online, Strange, Viral   

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Didn't the Simpsons do this first? Maybe it's true. Maybe the strange non-pig animal they get the rib meat from is going extinct!

Posted by: E on November 2, 2005 1:56 PM

This is very much like “The Simpsons” episode EABF07.

Posted by: Soupface on November 2, 2005 3:33 PM

Whoever made this (apparently someone in California, judging from the WHOIS record), probably didn't pay to use that flagrant image of an iPod. Pretty sloppy for McDonald's.

BTW, that Simpson's epsiode is referred to in the McRib trivia on the site (another mention of a copyrighted property that no doubt was not licensed for this site). So is Dave Letterman.

Looks like McDonald's owes Apple, Fox and Letterman some money for misappropriation.

Posted by: pylbug on November 2, 2005 4:14 PM

However much I detest McDonald's, this is a fun site. The "send a McRib message" function is hilarious and seems effective. I used it as a joke on a few unsuspecting people, who I know wouldn't eat a McRib if you paid them. Fun times.

Posted by: Wasabichimera on November 3, 2005 12:18 PM

The "Send a McRib message" is made possible by a company called eStara ( They powered a similar campaign a couple of years ago for the launch of Comedy Central's Crank Yankers. Great stuff.

Posted by: Beth Cart on November 4, 2005 4:18 PM

Since when do you have to get permission to mention something that took place? The Simpson's did an episode on McRib. It is just a fact that is being stated. Am I going to be sued now? David Letterman mentioned McRib two different times on his show, probably without permission if he needed it. That is just another fact. Is Worldwide Pants, Inc. going to sue me? Microsoft was started by Bill Gates. Uh oh, I just mentioned a copyrighted name. Guess I owe them money now

Posted by: Dave on November 7, 2005 4:05 PM

I HATE THE MCRIB!! It is by far the worst of the worst. And I hate the promotional commercial being aired today. Hispanics hate Mcrib's. The radio commercial is the worst. A pathetic 30 something year old begging and crying in hopes that this horrible tasting slop of a sandwich doesn't go away. I hope Mcdeadcow's get rid of this sandwich and their ridiculous advertisement!

Posted by: me on November 15, 2005 10:24 AM

I HATE THE MCRIB!! It is by far the worst of the worst. And I hate the promotional commercial being aired today. Hispanics hate Crib�s. The radio commercial is the worst. A pathetic 30 something year old begging and crying in hopes that this horrible tasting slop of a sandwich doesn't go away. I hope Mcdeadcow's get rid of this sandwich and their ridiculous advertisement!

Posted by: me on November 15, 2005 10:30 AM

i love the mcrib and so does my 12 year old son. please don't take the mcribb away. people that hate it can get over it. they can always eat something else or nothing at all. thanks.

Posted by: connie stinnett on January 10, 2006 2:13 PM

The Mc rib sandwich is one of the best that Mcdonalds makes. Get rid of it and get rid of some customers.

Posted by: Brian on January 20, 2006 6:58 PM

Does anyone know what's going on with It looks like the site is changing. Curious.

Posted by: McRib Fanatic on October 12, 2006 2:53 PM

Keep the McRib. It,s the best thing you have that and the BigMac. I have two boy,s one is 3 yers old & the other is 17 mon old and I wold heat to thank thank of them growing up without having them to eat . Tonight was the frist time thay had some of Mother,s and thay love,ed it . So you shold keep it for all the littel one,s that love the McRib and all the ones,s that don,t know about it yeat Thank You Anthony L. Hollowell S.R..

Posted by: anthony hollowell on November 15, 2006 7:59 PM

Keep the McRib. It,s the best thing you have that and the BigMac. I have two boy,s one is 3 yers old & the other is 17 mon old and I wold heat to thank thank of them growing up without having them to eat . Tonight was the frist time thay had some of Mother,s and thay love,ed it . So you shold keep it for all the littel one,s that love the McRib and all the ones,s that don,t know about it yeat Thank You Anthony L. Hollowell S.R..

Posted by: anthony hollowell on November 15, 2006 8:00 PM

I like the mcrib it is the best meal i like to eat i just wish that the mcdonalds where i live would make them most of the time i have to drive 30 to 50 miles out of the way to get some mcribs sandwichs they are the best no other place can make it as good as mcdonalds can i live in spotsylvania va we realy need it to come back and need to save the mcrib please make it come back to our town we went to bowning green and we bought 10 mcribs i ate 4 there and took the other six and put them into the frezzer so i could have them the next to days 11/28/2006 thanks for letting me put my two cents in save the mcrib please save the micrib i dont know what i would do wih out it thanks again

Posted by: Henry on November 28, 2006 3:48 PM

McDonalds has been the leader in fast foods for so long, so WHY would they get rid of the best item on their menu??? I do not care that others abuse their privilegde and get fat, it is their own fault. Do not punish me and other McRib lovers because of them. Keep the McRib and keep me as a customer!

Posted by: Troy on October 31, 2007 8:59 AM

McDonalds has been the leader in fast foods for so long, so WHY would they get rid of the best item on their menu??? I do not care that others abuse their privilegde and get fat, it is their own fault. Do not punish me and other McRib lovers because of them. Keep the McRib and keep me as a customer!

Posted by: Troy on October 31, 2007 9:00 AM