Celebrate Ad Oddities With Adrants 2005 Top Ten Strangest Stories
Once again, we've gather together a top ten list, this time for the oddest, weirdest, strangest and stupidest things to occur in the world of advertising. From hard ons to 70's short shorts to pornographic orthodontist billboards, here's a final laugh just prior to the Holidays. By the way, Adrants will publish only sporadically next week and the newsletter won't publish at all. After all, we need a break as much as you do.
School Ad Project Causes Columbine-Like Lock Down
Kids Orthodontist Billboard Links to Porn
Clueless Coke Marketer Says Don't Link to Coke Site
Restaurant Chain Marketed With Chili Freaks
Blue Man Pulls Stunt Marketing On Chicago Train
Bank Targets Friends of the Dead
Dad Gets Over Excited About Child's Christmas Gift
Sony Promotes PS2 Game With Worldwide Archaeological Find
Emarketing Company Brings Back Short Shorts
Condom Maker Says 'Let The Beast Go'
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