42 Below Promotes Vodka With Russian Bride Contest
Cheeky New Zealand vodka marketer 42 Below is at it again. This time the company is highlighting its Stil vodka with a "Win A Russian Bride" competition complete with video and print ads. Geoff Ross, chief executive of the 42 Below company, explains the promotion thusly, telling the Sunday Star-Times, "For the single Kiwi bloke who might not be an All Black or very good looking, this is a chance to get hooked up with somebody pretty hot. The ideal woman for the Kiwi bloke is one who keeps him fed and looked after all day and meets all his needs."
Of course it's all a tongue in cheek joke but, predictably, not everyone is taking it that way. View the video/ad here.

Russian women are passe. The women of smokinghotkova.com are what's hot! Way more traditional and abiding.
Eh. Not as funny as their Numa Numa riff from around Christmastime.
no joke (though it IS funny!), A winner has been declared and he's flying to Russia at the end of the month to "claim his prize": http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3727277a4560,00.html
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