DVR-Resistant 'Smushed' Ad Grabs Attention


While fast forwarding through the ads in a recent episode of "The O.C.," an ad from the Office of National Drug Control Policy's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign caught our attention with it's DVR-resistant, slow-cut tactic. The ad, with only four "segments" is called Smushed and is part of the Office's Above the Influence effort. Apart from catching our attention by appearing as a "still" while fast forwarding, the imagery of a girl who looked like she'd just stepped out from under an industrial compression-like machine also caused us to stop, rewind and watch the ad.

The ad itself dealt with issues of peer pressure to be cool, to fit in, to drink, to get high, to be popular, to never say the wrong thing. This ad is one of six currently running on MTV, Fuse, The N, FOX, The WB, UPN and others. The online component appears on Yahoo, GameSpy, IGN and print ads appear in 23 magazines including Teen People, Skateboarder, J-14 and Playstation. The entire collection of spots, all of which are very good, and print ads can be seen here.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (3)     File: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good, Magazine, Online, Television     Feb-15-06  


You just publicly admitted to watching The O.C.

Posted by: Ben on February 15, 2006 11:32 AM

I'm with Ben on this Steve. Can't you at least watch something worthwhile? Like Dancing with the Stars or Project Runway?

Posted by: American Copywriter on February 15, 2006 12:04 PM


Posted by: Steve Hall on February 15, 2006 01:03 PM

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