Minnesota Lottery Thinks Players Are Buck Toothed Idiots
OK so maybe this campaign grabs attention visually but does anyone playing/winning the Minnesota State Lottery want to look like a stupid, buck toothed gopher? Oh wait, that's pretty accurate. See more idiots here.
Hey Steve, while I appreciate everyone looking out for us Minnesotans, the MN Gophers are actually a pretty big deal statewide. As the only state college and with extension schools across the state, pretty much everyone identifies themselves as a "Gopher." Would I implant a couple huge front teeth in exchange for a Ferrari? Well, yes I would. Just call me a Minnesotan! :)
How about that second one with the boat though. There was better shadow retouching on the Lee Harvey Oswald photo.
A perfect example of someone not understanding regional marketing.
OK, I give. I don't live in Minnesota so that makes me the idiot I guess.
No worries, Steve. The commercials are actually worse than the print ads. And most of the country thinks we’re idiots for living in sub-artic temps all year, anyway. I’d only have about three months to drive my Ferrari! (I’d still take it).
Hell, I refer to the state lottery as a tax on stupid people!
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