Kooky SIte Trys to Get College Kids to Eat Mac And Cheese
FCBi has created a site called University of St. Arvin to promote Kraft's Easy Mac Cups. At the college student-directed site, people can create a message that will be sent to their Mom asking her to send a care package full of Easy mac Cups. There's a Subservient Chicken-like area of the site where you can click around a guy's dorm room and make him do stuff. There's a weird roomate-films-roomate-making out thing and a couple of videos, one that's kinda funny. But does anyone older that ten eat this crap?
As someone who has recently been in college, I can tell you with great confidence that Easy Mac was a staple of college cuisine. In fact a dorm room wasnt complete without at least two boxes of the stuff. Considering that it's one of the few foods that can be prepared using only a microwave and without refrigeration it's no wonder that it has replaced ramen noodles as the lazy (and probably broke) student's food of choice. It's actually cool to see that Kraft has acknowledged this fact and targeted the college crowd as opposed to just sticking with their usual "housewife with 2.5 kids" demographic.
Actually, my roommates and I lived off of Easy Mac when we were poor college students at Florida State. It was an economical meal option and gave us extra money for beer. Ironically, it was also a great hangover food...
Only someone who went to Florida State would
post the same comment 3 times.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to masturbate
to the Miller Lite hottie a few posts down.
Damn trust funders. Must be a private school. All I could afford in college were bags of Ramen at 29 cents a pop.
FYI, agency FCB in Chicago also has a number of broadcast/viral spots that recently began airing as part of this campaign. They're directed by Tool of North America's Sean Ehringer....
The kid in the dorm room looking for food has some pretty funny moments. Thankfully the life of 'all the food you can eat for five dollars a day' is behind me. For now. I hope.
Tom- You're right...only someone from Florida State would post the same comment 3 times...However, if you had been lucky enough to go to Florida State, perhaps you could have partied with the Miller Lite hottie instead of just pleasuring yourself to an image on the internet.
Talk dirty to me baby. You're only making me maturbate with more vigor.
at just over $1/box, Kraft was "the good stuff". Was it the powdered cheese or the noodles that was so much better than the 3/$1 generic brand?
Kraft remnants come off the cooking pot easier the next morning too.
"Stevie" sounds remarkably like someone from FCB doing their best to plant every strategic bullet point in the mouth of a "college kid".
Tom and Carrie, on the other hand....
Belong together...
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