Major League Baseball Star Creates Own Fragrance
It's not only vacuous Hollywood starlets and super models that are slapping their names on the latest fragrance. It's also Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Gustavo Chacin who's working with Leslie Cosmetics to create one. It was a long running joke among local sportscaster that Chacin's last name sounded like a perfume and that he should create one. Well, the jokesters have had their way and last week, Chacin spent the day at Leslie labs sniffing up the right combination of fragrances to call his own. no word on when this will be marketed.
That's hilarious! Good for Chacin. Shows he's a good sport, and a fun guy as well. Makes me want to buy more merchandise with his name on it now!
Hope it doesn't smell like l-arginine. Man what this types of board, overpayed rich spoiled brats won't do to keep themselves busy....
Funny. I saw him pitch at Fenway last night. His cologne can't stink any worse than David Wells did.
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