Old Navy Chick Wants You to Check Her Out

AdJab doesn't like it and thinks it's annoying but we'd be happy to follow the advice in this new Old Navy commercial in which we are urged to "check it out." After all the model, behind whom, other plaid-clad dancers appear is definitely worth checking out. I guess all the dancers have to appear from behind because that's where her check it out assets reside. There's certainly no assets up front. Oh wait, she has a face. And she's really pretty. OK, fine, we'll check her out all over. But, we not sure we're going to kick it with the return of the whole 80's preppy plaid thing.
This reminds me of te "know" hiv campaign. It was done better, and made sense.
You know, usually I can appreciate bright, fun, dancing, colourful ads, but I have never in my life been anything other than annoyed by an Old Navy ad. Their ads are the primary reason I don't and have never shopped there.
Not only annoying, but this girl NEEDS to eat a cheeseburger. Sheesh.
What utterly disgusts me about this ad is the canned "runway model" poses this toothpick of a girl strikes as she prances around.
Forget spending my money on Old Navy. I'd rather spend my money to buy this girl a sandwich!
What is the name of the song and artist on the Old Navy Madras Ad?
The way this chick skips and prances around is so sexy and as for her cup size it's just right they will stay where they are for decades to come. This chick, Who is she I would like to find some pictures in any shape or rating of her. To me she is one of the best over all women I have ever seen!