SunSilk Wingman Dispenses Advice


To relaunch SunSilk to women aged 18-35, Australian agency Amnesia has created a mini-portal style website with personalized information on career, movies, music, travel and dating. The site site introduces The Wingman, an avatar that stands in as a personal adviser and collector of all things relevant. We suppose they're cute and all but we're not into all that girly stuff anyway so someone else will have to tell you if it's good or not.

by Steve Hall    Jun-27-06   Click to Comment   
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Looks very similar to Austin Powers (except in green, not blue). I love it when "creatives" copy.

Posted by: Some guy on June 27, 2006 3:25 PM

Isn't a wingman a guy thing? Lame.

Posted by: some girl on June 27, 2006 4:37 PM

I had to laugh when my wingman said he was glad I wasn't australian. Whew, so am I!!!

I had a bit of fun for ten minutes but see no need to return to the site. And for that, it has to be a failure. Surely a goal was to have repeat visits to reinforce the brand?

Posted by: Sarah on July 4, 2006 8:16 AM