Abraham Lincoln And Talking Beaver Shill Drug


Adrants reader James Baldiga sends us this decidedly weird promotion for sleep drug Rozerem which features Abraham Lincoln, a talking beaver and a guy who can't sleep. The three explain healthy sleep and how the company's drug can put you to sleep when you can't do so yourself. Drug ads are boring. Sleeping pills are mundane. The combination of Abraham Lincoln, a talking beaver, a guy who can't sleep and a drug company promoting its sleeping pill are not.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (34)     File: Good, Online, Strange     Jul-18-06  
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I think this commercial won't register as weird in Illinois since we're all used to seeing this kind of stuff.

but, I'm glad to see a drug commercial that's not composed of stock footage of people playing at the park. Or with stupid animated characters like foot fungus or a bee who talks like Antonio Banderas.

Posted by: WTFer on July 18, 2006 02:57 PM

Rehash of matress spots (Serta?) from years ago, starring a bunch of Mickey Rooneys and Cornelius from "Planet of the Apes".

Posted by: Blah on July 18, 2006 03:01 PM

I'm a TiVo Fast-Forward devotee, as is my boyfriend, but last night, this spot came on, and we watched it all the way through. Effective, memorable, and hell - just frakkin' funny.

Posted by: Kat on July 18, 2006 03:19 PM

When I first saw this spot I sat there wondering what the hell Abe Lincoln and some talking animal I didn't recognize were doing in this commercial, so I didn't "hear" a word of copy. Wierdness cancels out copy points every time.

Posted by: JFC on July 18, 2006 03:21 PM

Anyone know who did this?

Posted by: woodenlunch on July 18, 2006 04:21 PM

I like it, and think its pretty well done. Looks a lot more fun some recent stuff I've worked on.

Posted by: kaza on July 18, 2006 05:43 PM

This is all cock.

Posted by: Racetrack Higgins on July 18, 2006 06:05 PM

Cramer Krasselt Chicago did the ad.

Posted by: Mr. Bright Brown on July 18, 2006 06:10 PM

I once stuck an Exacto in my peehole.

Posted by: Mel Kreilein on July 18, 2006 06:14 PM

I like beaver-shooting. Anyone else?

Posted by: Noel Ritter on July 18, 2006 06:26 PM

In my mind Abe Lincoln will forever be associated with Electric Six's Gay Bar, the video for which featured a multitude of pole dancing Abe clones. Very odd.

Posted by: FishNChimps on July 19, 2006 05:32 AM

Cramer Krasselt Chicago did the ad? As I said. They possibly did it because it's the standard Illinois commercial. You know, we like Lincoln. And beavers.

Posted by: WTFer on July 19, 2006 01:13 PM

Love this commercial! It's as odd as some dreams -you wake and think "HUH?!?" Places and things where they should be, long gone friends or people you've never met.This commercial conveys the sleep/dream "other life" perfectly - and whether or not you're part of it. VERY clever!

Posted by: Mindy on July 27, 2006 11:08 PM

Abelson Taylor did the ad

Posted by: Donna on August 27, 2006 04:02 AM

Does anyone know who the actor is that plays Lincoln in the commercial? He looks familiar. What about the voice of the beaver?

Posted by: Shelby on September 27, 2006 01:49 AM

I have answered my own question. His name is Ted Rooney. The wonder of Google!

Posted by: Shelby on September 27, 2006 01:54 AM

I'm having an argument with my husband about this commercial. I figured the guy's "dreams" involved being an "Honest Abe" and an "Eager Beaver" at work or something, and he hasn't been doing well at work because he can't sleep so he's dreaming about these aspects of his ambition that he's lost. My husband thinks its just a dream. I'm starting to think I sound like I"m on crack or something.

Posted by: Elaine on September 28, 2006 09:21 PM

Just wasnt to add my 2cents... come on folks - think about it. These elements in the commercial represent this guys dreams... obviously these are things he dreams about, right? Now, think... what is the beaver doing????? He's eating! So, does this mean this guy is dreaming about eating beaver???? Can't figure out the other two - the space man (which no one seems to have mentioned) and honest Abe playing chess??? Hmmm, honest abe playing chess....

Posted by: Julie on October 26, 2006 10:47 PM

Just wasnt to add my 2cents... come on folks - think about it. These elements in the commercial represent this guys dreams... obviously these are things he dreams about, right? Now, think... what is the beaver doing????? He's eating! So, does this mean this guy is dreaming about eating beaver???? Can't figure out the other two - the space man (which no one seems to have mentioned) and honest Abe playing chess??? Hmmm, honest abe playing chess....

Posted by: Julie on October 26, 2006 10:48 PM

The voice of the beaver is Michael Kostroff. He's an actor of some sort.


Link to the Internet Movie Database and some info on our beaver friend. Kind of takes the fun out of the beaver though. I like to think of him as a beaver and not a bald actor!

Posted by: Shelby on October 29, 2006 05:28 AM

What's funniest and most dreamlike/absurd is that the beaver is the character named "Honest Abe" (and he accuses the Lincoln character of cheating). Looks to me like the spaceman is cooking a meal.

I don't think the interpretation of the dream is key here--just the absurdity.

Posted by: PaulB on November 10, 2006 04:07 PM

The beaver looks constipated...might explain his crankiness...

Posted by: kww on December 21, 2006 04:01 AM

For the longest time I thought the beaver was a woodchuck or a groundhog because the tail doesn't look like a beaver's. What is even worse is that I am actually taking my time to type my concerns. So, is the guy in the background a diver or a space man?

I really thought the commercial was kind of dumb at first, but now I am strangely intrigued and amused by it.

Posted by: Barbie on January 21, 2007 03:08 AM

I think Mark Ryden should sue.

Posted by: MSG Quixo on February 1, 2007 03:23 AM

I thought the charactors voice sounded like Ron Jeremy. I figured it made since. Ron - beaver. the phrase you are what you eat. Ron Jeremy , beaver. anyone?

Posted by: Brian on March 12, 2007 10:19 PM

I too thought the beaver sounded a lot like Ron Jeremy...I can find no evidence it's Michael Kostroff, as the guy above has asserted.

Posted by: Jon on April 23, 2007 09:53 PM

I love the beaver! I wish he could replace the annoying groundgog on the PA lottery commercials!
I crack up every time they are on-especially the line"did you just say CHILL?"

Posted by: judy on April 26, 2007 02:58 PM

I love the beaver! I wish he could replace the annoying groundgog on the PA lottery commercials!
I crack up every time they are on-especially the line"did you just say CHILL?"

Posted by: judy on April 26, 2007 03:00 PM

I love the beaver! I wish he could replace the annoying groundgog on the PA lottery commercials!
I crack up every time they are on-especially the line"did you just say CHILL?"

Posted by: judy on April 26, 2007 03:00 PM

I love the beaver! I wish he could replace the annoying groundgog on the PA lottery commercials!
I crack up every time they are on-especially the line"did you just say CHILL?"

Posted by: judy on April 26, 2007 03:00 PM

Some have mentioned the astronaut in the background--I think he looks like a deep sea diver, in an old "bubble" helmet. (Maybe that is just in the newer commercials.)

Posted by: Cyndi Waggoner on May 7, 2007 03:42 PM

Jon stated that he has found no evidence that the Beaver is the voice of Michael Kostroff. I found that info via a Google search. I will post link as soon as I can find one again.
Diver or astronaut? He is a "hard hat" deep-sea diver. I hesitate to say Navy, but being the son of a retired sailor, I can tell you that is a deep-sea suit. My Dad once applied for that duty, but was rejected, so became a submariner.

Posted by: Shelby on May 21, 2007 01:28 AM

yes...eating beaver...perhaps outside of a current relationship--thus "cheating" and not "honest"--with the added visual referent of a beard (like our adolescent references to 'bearded clam') and a (muff) diver

Posted by: MJFiorello on June 9, 2007 06:43 AM

---The voice of the beaver is Michael Kostroff. He's an actor of some sort.---

He sounds much more gravelly to me (Joe Rogan? Adam Carolla?)

Posted by: Liz on November 17, 2007 08:56 PM

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