Filthy Confessions Offers Place to Reveal Your Dirt

If you're feeling dirty or you are feeling guilty and need to confess something, cleaning product Greased Lightning has given you a place to air your dirty thoughts on a site called Filthy Confessions. On the site you can write or phone in your confession and listen and read the confessions of others. Visitors who use Blogger can also publish their confession on their blog by entering their username and password. There's also a sweepstakes that offers the chance to win a vacation and the usual send to a friend feature. What? No MySpace page?
Wate of time, I have better ways to spend my time.
Waste of time, I have better ways to spend my time.
Ooh, scandalous. So has anyone confessed ripping this off from CP+B's
Yeah, that's true, but maybe it's a coincidence and they never noticed the Method campaign that won a grand prix in last years' Cannes. You know how easily those things can be overlooked. Very under the radar.
Thx for the post Steve! Most would ignore this delicious work by virtue of the derivative nature... but it is a worthy homage to CP&B and a terrific success in its own right (imho). Point one being the scheme: Color choices inflame the mind and excite the libido without scantily clad lads or lassies. Point two: The offer of a sweepstakes/prize entices activity... Point three:"give up your friends" @V@ "brilliant!"
If you reach enough Big Brand marketers you can sell your great interactive ad idea too! Sit on your hands and pray for the phone to ring and you grow skinny. The added dimension of involving a second representational preference is a second: "briliant!" R>V and R>Ad Come clean is a masterful effort - - - its upturning hand and running water are pure eye-candy and the "clean feeling colors are peerless in execution.
What campaign would not have a myspace page.
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