Snakes On A Plane Does Snakes on Claire Danes

We were going to tell you to check out this Snakes on a Plane trailer spoof called Snakes on Claire Danes but it's so awful., we're not going to. Oh wait. The movie's crap so any spoof would have to be crap, too, right? Besides, the whole thing is a cheesy promotion for this site called

Tags: Claire Danes Snakes on a Plane
That is like so bad. And the site is like lame too.
Just crap. C-R-A-P !
Yeah, this probably sucks, but there's a bunch of really funny advertising for the movie. Like on the site you can have Sam Jackson call up your buddy and tell them to go to the movie or he'll kick your ass or something like that. My friend had it call me, pretty funny. There's also an in-flight safety manual thingy that's pretty good. I think everyone knows the movie's going to suck, and that's why everyone is going to go see it. It's one of those.
Seems like it's actually busting on the SoaP spoofs -I mean I hope to god they weren't actually taking it seriously - I mean I thought this was pretty funny - then again I used to watch My So Called Life all the time - so I thought the use of the theme song at the end was pretty damn funny lol
you guys are rough lol
Seems like it's actually busting on the SoaP spoofs - I mean I hope to god they weren't actually taking it seriously - Honestly, this was pretty funny - then again I used to watch My So Called Life all the time - so I thought the use of the theme song at the end was pretty damn funny lol
you guys are rough lol
This was just stupid and a bad idea....very lame. Hated it with a passion. Just awful. The people involved should kill themselves.
Wow, What a waste of time that was. Just a gimmick to sell some crappy t-shirts. Way to go.
That SUCKED!!!
That SUCKED!!!
I don't get it. Was it suppose to be funny?
I don't get it. Was it suppose to be funny?
I don't get it. Was it suppose to be funny?
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