Take note of the Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Via Viral Video
A site called Will Video For Food has put together a handy list for those thinking of wading into the cesspool known as viral video. The list, called Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising Viral Video, uses plenty of examples to back up the sins which include Make a white and brown cow. Pretend your not advertising. Spend a fortune on production. Tell consumers instead of engage them. Do a video contest because everyone else is. Set unrealistic conversion metrics. And throw in the towel and decide to just advertise around viral video. We'd add an eighth: Don't call you efforts viral until they become viral.
Not bad!!! He pays attention, to bad some of us don't.
Mind you I learned most of these the hard way. By failing.
nalts, me too and parts of the lesson took a few tries.
i need to learn how u do this stuff
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