High School Athlete Social Network MyStack Launched

There's a social network for everyone and now there's one for highschool athletes called MyStack from teen athlete magazine Stack. Just like MySpace and every other net out there, MyStack lets people create a profile, list intersts, connect with other athletes, upload videos of high school games and create goups based on sporting interests. MyStack also intends to make the site a place for high school athletes and college recruiters to connect. It seems, though, one needs to pay $26.99 per year and receive the magazine to join MyStack.
I think this is brilliant!!! This will change the face of the recruiter/athlete relationship. I am curious how this affects NCAA rules and regulations.
Orange, I have to disagree. I think this will be a miserable failure. Why? There's too much established competition that has a MASSIVE advantage over this site, namely the fact that the competition is free.
Not only is this a ridiculously expensive price to pay for this kind of service, but it really doesn't offer anything special other than the recruiting potential which I honestly doubt will work very well. It seems it will require a large amount of effort that athletes (especially the stereotypically computer illiterate ones) won't want to waste.
When are companies going to learn that nobody cares about their branded social networking sites?