Milwaukee's Best Beer Cannon Much Better Than OutPost Gerbil

If you're not going to use hot women in bikinis when you create your beer commercial masterpiece, the only other option, really, is to blow stuff up with beer cans. Reminiscent of the famed Gerbil commercial, are several videos on YouTube of a few guys who were paid by Milwaukee's Best to make a beer cannon that projects beer cans into objects in front of a target such as a television, a watermelon, a plant, mayonnaise, beef stew, eggs and other assorted items. Collectively, the videos have been viewed almost a couple million times on YouTube.
If you want to see all the vdeos crammed into one, there's a montage version set the the tune of Robert Wagner's The Ride of the Valkyries made popular in the movie Apocalypse Now. All the videos are on the Milwaukee's Best website too.
I don't know squat about the classical music,
but I don't think that's The Ride of the Valkyries made popular in the movie Apocalypse Now. I think it the William Tell overture, made popular in The Lone Ranger.
This is not "Ride of Valkyries" from Apocalypse Now. Not sure what the tune is but not that
Follow the Wikipedia link to the song and it's the same on in this video.
Hey Y'all, it's actually an excerpt from the "1812" overture by Tchaikovsky, which commemorates the allied Russian-English-Prussian victories over Napoleonic France.
Frank is quite right; the music is from the finale to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Anyone who has ever listened to or attended the annual Boston Pops Orchestra's July 4th concert will immediately recognize it (even without the real cannon sounds).
BTW, the composer of the "Ride of the Valkyries" is RICHARD Wagner, not Robert Wagner (the actor?).