OfficeMax TUL Pens Pull Mind Out of Gutter

Rarely do we ever have the time or the inclination to sit through an entire segment of one of those online analyze whatever things marketers like to create to sell product. But, we did this time. Perhaps it was because our date last night was uneventful so we didn't have our usual hangover or have to make polite morning conversation with our less-pretty-than-she-was-last-night date. Perhaps it was because we didn't have to spend time with our new Remington Body Hair Trimmer in preparation for tonight's date who unceremoniously canceled after we asked her to arrive dressed up like a pleated plaid skirt-wearing private school girl. Or, perhaps it was because our favorite porn site was down preventing us from wasting hours slobbering over women we will never have.
Anyway, we found the time to spend with this DDB Chicago-created site for OfficeMax for its new line of TUL pens that offered up a handwriting analysis by graphologist Dr. Gerard Ackerman.So after we randomly selected answers to a six question survey about our writing style, we were presented with a step by step video analysis of our handwriting and an insight into our personality. While it may not have been the most stunningly entertaining thing we've ever seen, it did prove there are certainly other things in life than the aforementioned, less than respectable activities.
Another corny, fake expert from a made-up scientific discipline or institute? Another "interactive" site that is really just a multiple choice survey with all the character of a form letter? Yawn. This is essentially a TV spot for the Internet, and a weak parody of TV at that. DDB Chicago must not have consulted Tribal much on this one.
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