Pepsi Zero A Nonenitity, Wind Does Blow, Sky Bursts


- It seems Pepsi can't quite come to terms with the fact Zero is a nonentity and, in fact, would like us to refer to its product as a nonenitity.

- Yea, yea, yea. Pamela Anderson is in a Virgin Mobile commercial with veiled references to what...penis size? Yawn.

- Nissan's 7 Days in A Sentra bombs according to some.

- Western Wind Energy, which we earlier mentioned was hosting a viral video contest, is nearing completion. As expected, all the submisions suck as much as the original video did. But, hey, at least people are participating, right?

- While we're sure this new Candystand game called Life Savers Splosions Skyburts is a whole lot of fun, the need to install a plugin and confusing directions out us off. Then again, we never play online games so don't listen to us. Check it out for yourselves.

- Liquor advertisers don't like under aged girls as much as FHM readers do.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (2)     File: Consumer Created, Games, Online, Outdoor     Oct-10-06  
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Cool blog! Thanks for the link. I actually like the P. Anderson site - great graphics!

Posted by: Chad Horenfeldt on October 10, 2006 09:08 PM

Thanks for the mention guys - I've subscribed to your feed and added you to my bookmarks!

Posted by: Stewart Rogers on October 11, 2006 10:34 AM

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