The Big Pilot's Watch, Available at a Bus Near You
So you're commuting, right, reading a magazine and minding your own business, when you look up and - oh, man - realize you seriously dig the look of that bus strap against your wrist. In fact, you want one really, really bad.
Riders in Berlin, Germany get to try IWC's Big Pilot's watch mid-commute because bus straps have been fashioned into samplers by Jung von Matt/Alster. Neat. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
Ingenious placement--for Timex. I'm not sure about Germany, but here in the U.S., people who can afford a $12,000 watch typically spring for cab fare when their chauffeurs are on vacation.
Ingenious placement--for Timex. I'm not sure about Germany, but here in the U.S., people who can afford a $12,000 watch typically spring for cab fare. When their chauffeurs are on vacation, that is.
I know where you can get a "genuine" fake IWC for just over a hundred bucks. I also know where you can get a "genuine" fake German bus for a grand. I know everything!
people still wear watches?
Know I know exactly how those bus straps are supposed to work. Promotional and educational, I like.
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