'People' Smells, NBC Lays Off, Wristbands Billboarded
- If your nose explodes it's because you've just opened the upcoming special holiday issue of People magazine which contain no less than five smell-o-rama ads from Kraft. Oh, and all the rest of the ads in the issue are from Kraft as well. Wear your nose plugs.
- Cynopsis reports "NBC Universal has begun layoffs based on its NBCU 2.0 plan designed to tighten budgets in every department which will increase efficiency company-wide. The broadcast TV side will absorb much of the 700 expected layoffs, with the NBC News division taking the bulk of the hits. In this first round of layoffs, at least 17 employees affiliated with Dateline NBC will lose their jobs."
- This idea is so not new but no there's company formalizing advertising on nightclub wrist bands.
- The poor guys over at Agency.com just can't catch a break.
- Obligatory "hot babes promote TV show" link.
- Somebody likes golf balls.
- Obligatory S & M food promotion link.
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