Sony Pushes Peace in a World of Bullhorns


We can't always choose our in-flight seatmates and in a crowded airport it's only wishful thinking to imagine we can control our surroundings. Sony reminds us of this ongoing state of quiet angst with the new print series for their cheaper-than-Bose, noise-mumming headphones. Here's a male variant.

We think the campaign is fair considering they only recently decided to wake their marketing department up from a long slumber. They were on shaky footing for awhile as demonstrated here and here. We're sure we'll see more interesting work from Sony as time marches on. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Inflight, Poster     Nov-27-06  
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These 2 ads require nothing more than the visual to make the point. With an image this strong the only thing left to do is make sure no one tries to cram in too much crap.

Good stuff.

Posted by: pat smith on November 27, 2006 02:52 PM

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